Alice Springs Tennant Creek Aerial image of Darwin City Palmerston CBD Darwin Waterfront Precinct

The Northern Territory Planning Commission

The Northern Territory Planning Commission is an independent statutory authority.

It sets the strategic framework for integrated land use, transport and infrastructure planning, working to deliver more sustainable and cost-effective outcomes for the community that reflect environmental and heritage values.

The Commission consults with the community to develop strategic plans and policies for inclusion in the Planning Scheme and advises on significant development proposals.

Current projects

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Strategic Directions Planning Policy - Under development

The Strategic Directions Planning Policy (SDPP) will provide an overarching, high-level framework to guide future strategic land use and development decisions in the Northern Territory (NT).

Find out more and get involved in the Strategic Directions Planning Policy project.

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Humpty Doo Rural Activity Centre Area Plan

The Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment has amended the NT Planning Scheme to include the Humpty Doo Rural Activity Centre Area Plan.

The Humpty Doo Rural Activity Centre Plan, as included in the NT Planning Scheme 2020, may be viewed at

Find out more about the Planning Commission's work on the  Humpty Doo Rural Activity Centre Area Plan project.


Greater Holtze Area Plan

The Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, has amended the NT Planning Scheme to include the Greater Holtze Area Plan (GHAP). The area includes Holtze, Kowandi, Holtze North and Howard Springs North.

The Greater Holtze Area Plan, as included in the NT Planning Scheme 2020, may be viewed at

The inclusion of the Greater Holtze Area Plan in the Planning Scheme follows two stages of consultation by the Planning Commission, and a period of exhibition as a proposed Planning Scheme Amendment.

Find out more about the NT Planning Commission's work to prepare the Greater Holtze Area Plan.