
About Planning Commission hearings

The Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment is the person who makes the final decision about all applications for rezoning, planning scheme amendments and exceptional development permits.

If an application for rezoning, planning scheme amendment or exceptional development is lodged with the Department of Lands, Planning and Environment, the Planning Commission holds a hearing on the submissions received on behalf of the Minister.

Planning Commission hearings are open to the public.

The Planning Commission will invite all of the following to the hearing:

  • NT service authorities
  • local government
  • and people who made written submissions about the application.

Before the hearing, a report will be written by the Department of Lands, Planning and Environment. The report will give the Planning Commission details of the application and issues that have been raised in submissions.

These reports will be available to download two days before a hearing.

The Chairperson or presiding member will invite the applicant to discuss their application.

People who made a submission about the application, including local government and NT service authorities, will also be invited to speak about their submission.

People speaking at the hearing should address their comments to the Planning Commission, not to the applicant or other people at the hearing.

The Planning Commission gives a report to the Minister about all the issues raised at the hearing and in the submissions, and any other matters that the Planning Commission thinks should be taken into account when the Minister makes a decision about the application.

The Planning Commission does not make any decisions on planning scheme amendments, rezoning or exceptional development permit applications.

Applications on exhibition / open for comment

For the list of all planning scheme amendments, rezonings and exceptional development permits that are currently open for comment, go the Development Applications website.

Hearing dates and agendas

Hearings are held when needed. Reports to the Planning Commission on submissions received are available on this page two days before a hearing.

Darwin - Monday 24 February 2025, 10.00am

  • Video conference (contact NTPC Secretariat for details); and
  • Everest Room, Level 2 Energy House, 18 Cavenagh St, Darwin
Item 1 - Planning Scheme Amendment PA2024/0241 - Lot 2959 Town of Darwin (93 Ross Smith Avenue Fannie Bay)

Rezone from LR (Low Density Residential) to LMR (Low-Medium Density Residential)

Details are provided below for hearings conducted within the past 6 months, or longer where the proposal subject to the hearing remains undetermined.

Contact Planning Commission Secretariat if you require details of older hearings.

Alice Springs - Tuesday 26 November 2024, 12.30pm

Red Mulga Event Centre, Alice Springs Desert Park, Larapinta Drive, Alice Springs


Item 2 - Exceptional Development Permit PA2024/0081 - Lot 7923 Todd Street, Town of Alice Springs

144 multiple dwellings in  4 x 6 storey and 1 x 5 storey buildings, and office in a single storey building.

(POSTPONED - Item 1 - Proposed Planning Scheme Amendment PA2024/0215 - Lot 7602 Gnoilya Street, The Gap, Town of Alice Springs  - Application to rezone from TC (Tourist Commercial) to CP (Community Purpose))

Darwin - Tuesday 24 September 2024, 11.00am

Yellow Room, Level 4 Energy House
18 Cavenagh Street , Darwin

Item 1 - Proposed Planning Scheme Amendment PA2024/0100

Include the Humpty Doo Rural Activity Centre Area Plan into the NT Planning Scheme (2020).

Darwin - Tuesday 6 August 2024, 10.00am

Wanaka Room, Level 2 Energy House
18 Cavenagh Street , Darwin

Item 1 - Proposed Planning Scheme Amendment PA2024/0013 - Lot 2666 (42) East Point Road, Town of Darwin

Rezone from Zone LR (Low Density Residential) to Zone LMR (Low-Medium Density Residential).

Darwin - Wednesday 5 June 2024 at 2.00pm

Yellow Room, Level 4 Energy House
18 Cavenagh Street , Darwin

Videoconference is available on request - please contact NTPC Secretariat for details.

Please note: Hearing relating to Item 1 has been cancelled

2.00 - 2.50pm
Item 1 - Proposed Planning Scheme Amendment PA2023/0388 - Sections 5203, 4625 and 4626 Hundred of Strangways, Holly Rd, Bees Creek

Rezone from Zone RL (Rural Living) to Zone RR (Rural Residential).

3.00 - 3.50pm
Item 2 - Proposed Planning Scheme Amendment PA2023/0227 - Introduce the Greater Holtze Area Plan into the NT Planning Scheme.

The proposed amendment is to include the Greater Holtze Area Plan within Part 2 of the NT Planning Scheme 2020. The Greater Holtze Area Plan will introduce new statements of planning policy and accompanying text to guide the long term development of the Holtze district.

Darwin - Monday 4 December 2023 at 11.30am

Energy House , 18 - 20 Cavenagh Street Darwin
Yellow Room, Level 4
(Video or teleconference facilities are available – please contact the Planning Commission on 8924 7540 or by email ntpc@nt.gov.au for details)

Item 1 - Variation to Exceptional Development Permit Application PA2019/0348 - Section 3181 (398) Mermaid Circuit Dundee Beach Hundred of Glyde
Application to vary condition 4 of EDP20/0015. The variation application includes changes to the carparking layout, a sea container addition, a storage container with a reduced side boundary setback and an additional accommodation room (wheelchair accessible).

Consolidated documents PDF (4.4 MB) (includes Agenda listing, Report to the Planning Commission, Attachments A and B in a single file)

Alice Springs - Monday 22 February 2021

DoubleTree by Hilton, Barrett Drive Alice Springs

Item 1 - Proposed Planning Scheme Amendment PA2020/0154
The proposed Planning Scheme Amendment seeks to rezone Lot 6774 (8) Albrecht Drive, Larapinta from Zone PS (Public Open Space) to Zone OR (Organised Recreation).

Reports to the Minister

The below reports from the NT Planning Commission to the Minister after hearing are made available at the request of the Minister.

Hearing Date Proposal Type Parcel DetailsProposal Report Date Document LinkComments
11/12/2023 EDP NT Portion 3164 (50) Lansdowne Rd, Lansdowne NT Rooming Accommodation (Workers Village) and ancillary amenities including kitchen/dining and indoor/outdoor recreational areas for up to 256 people, primarily to facilitate ongoing construction activities at RAAF Base Tindal 14/12/2023 The Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics  decided to release the NT Planning Commission's Report in relation to PA2023/0345 on 26 March 2024.
31/7/2018 EDP Lot 6774 (8) Albrecht Drive Larapinta, Town of Alice Springs Proposed exceptional development permit for the purpose of installation of 4 x 34.5m high lighting towers (ancillary to leisure and recreation use) 13/9/2018 The Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics  decided to release the NT Planning Commission's Report in relation to PA2018/0120 on 10 April 2019.
31/1/2019 PSA Section 67 (125) Mcfarland Road, Pinelands, Hundred of Bagot Proposal to rezone from Zone GI (General Industry) to Zones CP (Community Purpose) and FD (Future Development) to facilitate a rehabilitation precinct including a new Youth Justice Centre. 14/2/2019 The Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics  decided to release the NT Planning Commission's Report in relation to PA2018/0457 on 13 March 2019.