
Our primary role is to prepare integrated strategic plans in consultation with the community.

These plans may identify future transport corridors, utility corridors and sites for essential facilities including communication, water and power supply, gas and similar condensates, effluent treatment and regional waste, public and social infrastructure.

The Planning Commission may provide guidance on where and how communities or urban areas should grow.

Our plans can include maps, policy statements and objectives relating to housing, transport, economic development, the environment, open space and conservation.

Current projects

SDPP button 

Strategic Directions Planning Policy - Under development

The Strategic Directions Planning Policy (SDPP) will provide an overarching, high-level framework to guide future strategic land use and development decisions in the Northern Territory (NT).

Find out more and get involved in the Strategic Directions Planning Policy project.


Documents available here for completed Planning Commission projects are final in relation only to the Planning Commissions’ work.

The Minister is the decision-maker on all proposed amendments to the NT Planning Scheme. Documents included in the NT Planning Scheme are not necessarily identical to those prepared by the NT Planning Commission.

To view documents currently included in the NT Planning Scheme, go to the NT Government website.

NT-wide projects

Dual Occupancy in Zone SD (Single Dwelling Residential)

On 3 October 2017, the Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics amended the NT Planning Scheme to remove the provisions that allowed the development of dual occupancies in Zone SD.

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Greater Darwin region projects

Regional plans |   Darwin municipality |   Litchfield municipality |   Palmerston municipality

Regional plans

Darwin Regional Land Use Plan

Consultations completed and plan approved by the Minister for inclusion in the Planning Scheme in 2015.

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Darwin municipality

Central Darwin Area Plan

The Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, has amended the NT Planning Scheme to include the Central Darwin Area Plan as a policy document and a number of minor amendments to the NT Planning Scheme in response to the introduction of the document.

Amendment #518 came into effect on publication in the NT News on 15 November 2019.

Read about the Planning Commission's work on the Central Darwin Area Plan project.

Darwin Mid Suburbs Area Plan

The Planning Commission has developed an area plan for Darwin's mid suburbs, comprising Coconut Grove, Nightcliff, Rapid Creek Millner and parts of Ludmilla.

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Darwin Inner Suburbs Area Plan

The Darwin Inner Suburbs Area Plan is the culmination of six months of community consultations and extensive infrastructure studies focused on ensuring future land use keeps pace with the changing needs of a growing community.

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Berrimah Farm Area Plan 2014

The site is currently a research facility for practices in agriculture, horticulture and cattle breeding. After investigations into a higher and better use for the site, the Planning Commission prepared a Berrimah Farm Area Plan.

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Berrimah North Area Plan

In 2013, a discussion paper and consultations led to development of a draft area plan and related studies. The plan was provided to the Minister and the Planning Scheme was amended in late 2014.

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Kahlin Compound, Old Hospital Site and Flagstaff Park Concept Plan

The Planning Commission produced a draft concept plan to consider options for potential development of the Kahlin Compound and Old Hospital site and Myilly Point, including Flagstaff Park.

Consultations were completed in June 2014, following community and stakeholder feedback.

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Litchfield municipality

Humpty Doo Rural Activity Centre Area  Plan

The NT Planning Commission began consultation on a land use plan for Humpty Doo in 2018. One of the things heard strongly was feedback around the arterial and local road networks. The  completion of a concept design for the future duplication of the Arnhem Highway by the NT Government in 2022-23 allowed work on the Area Plan to resume.

The NT Planning Commission revised and updated the draft Humpty Doo Rural Activity Centre Area Plan, taking into account previous consultation and information from the Arnhem Highway Duplication Planning Study and re-engaged with the community and stakeholders in mid-2023.

The Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment amended the NT Planning Scheme to include the Humpty Doo Rural Activity Centre Area Plan. The Humpty Doo Rural Activity Centre Area Plan  came into effect in February 2025.

Find out more about the Planning Commission's work on the  Humpty Doo Rural Activity Centre Area Plan project.

Greater Holtze Area Plan

The Greater Holtze Area Plan (GHAP) includes Holtze, Kowandi, Holtze North and Howard Springs North.

Find out more about the NT Planning Commission's work to prepare the Greater Holtze Area Plan.

Holtze to Elizabeth River Subregional Land Use Plan

The Holtze to Elizabeth River Subregional Land Use Plan, as included in the NT Planning Scheme 2020,  may be viewed at

The inclusion of the HESLUP in the Planning Scheme follows two stages of consultation by the Planning Commission, and a period of exhibition as a proposed Planning Scheme Amendment.

Find out more about the project on the  Holtze to Elizabeth River Subregional Land Use Plan project page.

Litchfield Subregional Land Use Plan - Gunn Point

The NT Planning Commission is pleased to advise that in August 2021, the Minister for Infrastructure Planning and Logistics amended the NT Planning Scheme 2020 to omit and replace the Litchfield Subregional Land Use Plan, brining into effect updates to the Subregional Plan relating to Gunn Point Peninsula.

The updated Litchfield Subregional Land Use Plan may be viewed at

Find out more about the project on the  Planning for Gunn Point Peninsula project.

Litchfield Subregional Land Use Plan

This plan covers Litchfield municipality, including rural activity centres of Berry Springs, Coolalinga/Freds Pass, Howard Springs and Humpty Doo.

The NT Planning Commission has recommended the Litchfield Subregional Land Use Plan to the Minister for Land and Planning for exhibition as a proposed amendment to the Northern Territory Planning Scheme.

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Holtze Area Plan (superseded)

This looks at land use and future infrastructure needs in areas adjacent to the future Palmerston Regional Hospital.

Consultations were completed August 2015, following community consultations and the provision of a draft plan to the Minister.

Read More about the Hotlze Area Plan

NOTE: The Holtze Area Plan has been superseded by the Greater Holtze Area Plan.

Howard Springs Rural Activity Centre Area Plan

The Howard Springs Rural Activity Centre Area Plan looks at land use in the Rural Activity Centre of Howard Springs

Planning Commission consultations with the community were completed in March 2017. The Planning Commission then presented a draft plan to the Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics requesting consideration of the plan as a proposed amendment to the NT Planning Scheme.

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Coolalinga / Freds Pass Rural Activity Centre Area Plan

The Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, has amended the NT Planning Scheme to include the Coolalinga Freds Pass Rural Activity Centre Area PLan

Amendment #8 came into effect on 10 March 2023.

Find out more about the Planning Commission's work on Coolalinga / Freds Pass Rural Activity Centre Area Plan

Palmerston municipality

Central Palmerston Area Plan

The Central Palmerston Area Plan provides long-term guidance for land use and development in both residential and commercial land in Central Palmerston.

Planning Commission consultations were conducted throughout 2019 and 2020. The Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics amended the NT Planning Scheme 2020 to include the Central Palmerston Area Plan in April 2021.

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Katherine region projects

Katherine East Area Plan

The Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, has amended the NT Planning Scheme to include the Katherine East Area Plan as a policy document and a number of consequential amendments to the Katherine Land Use Plan in response to the introduction of the document.

Amendment #552 came into effect on publication in the NT News on 13 May 2020.

Read about the Planning Commission's work on the Katherine East Area Plan project.

Katherine Land Use Plan

In 2014 the Katherine Land Use Plan was incorporated in the NT Planning Scheme. In 2016 the Planning Commission reviewed the plan, and recommended an amendment to provide Katherine with a locality suitable for a neighbourhood centre to be established in the future.

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Tennant Creek and Barkly region projects

Tennant Creek Land Use Plan

Amendment number 528, published in the Tennant and District Times on 6 September 2019 amended the NT Planning Scheme to introduce the Tennant Creek Land Use Plan as a reference to policy to clause 2.7 within the scheme.

Read about the Planning Commission's past work on the Tennant Creek Land Use Plan

Tennant Creek Land Use Framework 2013

The Planning Commission completed a Tennant Creek Land Use Framework that was incorporated into the NT Planning Scheme in June 2013.

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Alice Springs region projects

Central Alice Springs Area Plan

Amendment No. 523 published in the NT News on 23.08.2019 introduced the Central Alice Springs Area Plan at Clause 14.4.8 of the NT Planning Scheme.

Read about the Planning Commission's past work on the Central Alice Springs Area Plan

Alice Springs Regional Land Use Plan

This plan covers the whole of the Alice Springs municipality, including the Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap (west), Undoolya (east), Amoonguna (south-east), Brewer Industrial Estate and Alice Springs Correctional Facility (south) and surrounding rural areas.

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Alice Springs CBD Review

This review covered planning scheme provisions for Alice Springs.

Consultations completed December 2014, with the exhibition of a draft plan and guidelines for comment.

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