Humpty Doo Rural Activity Centre

Planning Scheme Amendment

The Minister for Lands and Planning recently approved the Humpty Doo Rural Activity Centre Area Plan and has included the plan into the NT Planning Scheme 2020.

The Planning Commission would like to thank all those persons and organisations who attended briefings, made submissions, or provided feedback at one of the public display locations.


An Area Plan is a long term vision for land use. It gives certainty and confidence to residents, landowners, investors, service providers, and government agencies to help plan for the future.

The NT Planning Commission began consultation on a land use plan for Humpty Doo in 2018.

One of the things we heard strongly was feedback around the arterial and local road networks. The recent completion of a concept design for the future duplication of the Arnhem Highway by the NT Government now allows work on the Area Plan to resume.

The NT Planning Commission has revised and updated the draft Humpty Doo Rural Activity Centre Area Plan, taking into account previous consultation and what we now know from the Arnhem Highway Duplication Planning Study.

What are Area Plans?

Area Plans provide a detailed framework for land use change, to guide the future use and development of land.

Area Plans are included in the NT Planning Scheme and must be considered by the Minister or the Development Consent Authority whenever a rezoning or development is proposed.

Area Plans do not alter existing use rights and land can continue to be used in accordance with the current land-use zone.

Area Plans also do not automatically rezone land. If a landowner wants to develop in accordance with the Area Plan the landowner must first rezone the land by applying to the Minister responsible for administering the Planning Act 1999.

Area Plans try to look as far ahead as possible but, in time, they may be reviewed to meet the future needs and aspirations of the community. Any change to an Area Plan is a Planning Scheme Amendment and must follow the process set out in the Planning Act 1999, including public exhibition.